“When the buildings are completed, they will stand as the visible seat of mighty institutions whose purpose is no other than the spiritualization of humanity and the preservation of justice and unity throughout the world.”
“The beauty and magnificence of the Gardens and Terraces now under development are symbolic of the nature of the transformation which is destined to occur both within the hearts of the world’s peoples and in the physical environment of the planet.”
— The Universal House of Justice
These photos of Baha'i gardens are taken from Baha'i Holy sites in holy sites in the Haifa.
"Each year, thousands of Baha’i pilgrims come from around the world to pray and meditate in the Baha’i Shrines and holy sites in the Haifa/Acre area of Israel.
This region of Israel is sacred because it is where the Faith’s prophet founder Baha’u’llah spent his last years and passed away. At Baha’u’llah’s instruction, the spiritual and administrative center of His Faith is also permanently fixed in the Haifa/Acre area.
Pilgrimages serve to
not only inspire those individual believers who make them, but to also
by bring together Bahá’ís from all over the world and give social
cohesion to the Faith.
Bahá’ís are encouraged to undertake a
pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage spans nine
days and consists of guided visits to the Holy Shrines, various other
sites in the Holy Land associated with the Central Figures of the
Faith, and the Terraces and gardens on Mount Carmel."www.bahai.us/welcome/principles-and-practices/pilgrimage/
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